Mining for Gold in the Social Solutions Ideas Portal

If you haven’t spent time scanning Social Solutions’ Ideas Portal, prepare yourself.  You might find yourself spending hours perusing the hundreds of ideas and thinking “Why didn’t I think of that?” or, “I was having that exact problem just last week!”. Social Solutions has accelerated the development and deployment of new product enhancements and features … Read more

Part 3: How to Steward Your ETO System | Post Go-Live Roadmap

The ETO implementation process is arduous, detailed and complex, but the post-implementation system management can quickly become even more complex. It’s nearly impossible to get it all right on the first try. For this reason, you must anticipate that there will be system corrections, additions, and new reporting needs following launch. For those of you … Read more

Part 2: Data Quality Monitoring and Outcomes Reporting | Post Go-Live Roadmap

There is one ETO implementation scenario that we have seen occur with a few organizations (fewer and fewer, thankfully) that is truly heartbreaking: an organization did not build a solid data culture, or the executive team did not set adequate expectations. Soon after implementation, users go from sparsely using their ETO system to abandoning it … Read more

Part 1: ETO Administrator Training | Post Go-Live Roadmap

We tell every Treadwell client that it doesn’t matter how great of consultants we are; if the organization doesn’t have a well-trained, technically competent administrator, the data system is unlikely to succeed. For this reason, we always recommend that the organization focus on improving the administrator’s skills and training. Every hour invested in improving an … Read more

We’re Live! Now what? A Post-Go Live Roadmap for ETO Administrators

Having provided consultation and services for Social Solutions‘ ETO software to hundreds of organizations over the past decade or more, we’ve found that there is a consistency in the life-cycle of an organization that implements any new software, including ETO. One such consistency is the Post-Go Live phase. The process of ETO software implementation is … Read more

Five Habits of a Strong ETO Administrator

ETO Software by Bonterra Tech (previously Social Solutions) is powerful and configurable, but it can be hard to keep everything straight. This is especially true when you’re dealing with lots of forms, reports, and people. ETO Administrators have a big job: Training new users Developing reports for everyone Configuring/re-configuring, Listening to user complaints   We’ve … Read more

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