Part 1: ETO Administrator Training | Post Go-Live Roadmap

We tell every Treadwell client that it doesn’t matter how great of consultants we are; if the organization doesn’t have a well-trained, technically competent administrator, the data system is unlikely to succeed. For this reason, we always recommend that the organization focus on improving the administrator’s skills and training. Every hour invested in improving an … Read more

We’re Live! Now what? A Post-Go Live Roadmap for ETO Administrators

Having provided consultation and services for Social Solutions‘ ETO software to hundreds of organizations over the past decade or more, we’ve found that there is a consistency in the life-cycle of an organization that implements any new software, including ETO. One such consistency is the Post-Go Live phase. The process of ETO software implementation is … Read more

Tracking Key Data Types to Move Your Nonprofit Forward

Nonprofits are held to a very high standard by funders and the public at large. Organizations must continually prove their outcomes to their stakeholders, and demonstrate funding is being well spent. With the Social Solutions’ ETO or Apricot software in place, your nonprofit can track a substantial amount of data to show the impact your … Read more

ETO 2018.1 Release

Social Solutions is gearing up to finish its ETO software update with the 2018.1 release, and it promises to add some long anticipated and exciting new functionality for all ETO licensees! The 2018.1 release includes two enhancements that will make life much easier and better for just about every ETO organization: Barcode Check-In NEW Referrals … Read more

Social Solutions Announces New Certified Implementation Partner Treadwell

Social Solutions Global, the leading provider of impact and performance management software for human services agencies and nonprofit organizations, announced today an official agreement with Treadwell, a leading provider of implementation services for ETO (Efforts to Outcomes) and Apricot software. Treadwell is now a Certified Implementation Partner of Social Solutions. Founded in 2014 by former Social … Read more

Social Solutions Interview with Treadwell at Impact Summit 2017

Written by: Bonterra (previously Social Solutions) – Interview with Certified Implementation Partner Treadwell We are delighted to present Treadwell, Social Solutions Certified Implementation Partner for both ETO & Apricot, and Platinum Sponsor of the Impact Summit. Treadwell specializes in the implementation, support, and ongoing training of Social Solutions’ Apricot & ETO software. Treadwell consultants use their … Read more

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